Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

Telephone02 6947 2164


Rule-based behaviour is essential to teaching students with autism spectrum disorder. Clearly displaying rules in the multiple environments that students may experience throughout the day helps them acclimate. 

The following visuals can be used to guide students the who, what, where, and why of rule-based behaviour. 

Class rules

The class rules (DOCX 42KB) and the class rules visual (DOCX 105KB) both help students to understand what constitutes appropriate behaviour in class.


Kindergarten rules

The Kindergarten rules (PPTX 198KB) download will help students adjust to the routine of Kindergarten through the aid of visuals. 

The 6 Ls

The 6 Ls (PPTX 85KB) download support students in paying attention both in the classroom and at home. 

The class rules

The class rules (DOCX 169KB) supports students in understanding what is expected of them in a classroom environment.